Our Property

Saddleback Pastoral Co.

Located 15 minutes from Gympie on the eastern rim of the Goomboorian Range plateau, the property is uniquely nestled on three sides by borders of the surrounding Goomboorian National Park. The property is 98% cleared and was used as a bean and crop farm from the 1940’s through to the early 1980’s.
Views over the property

Our Farm

Coes Creek forms high up in the plateau of the National Park and spills into the Western boundary of the property providing a pristine watercourse that dissects our paddocks and provides a natural ecosystemfor native wildlife and an abundant birdlife.

On the other side of the valley, the property has a 55 mega litre dam linked by a network of 100mm mains enabling the business to irrigate 18 paddocks as and when required. Generally, not required as the region has an average rainfall of 1200mm per annum.

Our Practice

Saddleback Pastoral Co. practices a weekly rotational cell grazing structure, running our herds in 4 mobs across 42 paddocks minimising the need for herbicides and ensuring our grasses maintain a deep root structure and a nutrient rich soil profile.

The property has an excellent body of feed year-round and a mixture of setaria, signal, pangola, rhodes and kikuyu with seasonal legumes and clovers.

An exceptional blue ribbon grazing property producing, healthy, easy doing, fertile and good temperament cattle, Saddleback Pastoral Co. is well positioned to deliver honest, high quality Droughtmaster cattle to the marketplace for years to come.
Irrigating a grassy paddock


Contact us with queries or questions you may have.

Mark Torrens:
0499 035 500

Wade Batty:

Copyright © 2025. Saddleback Pastoral Co. All rights reserved.

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